Bearded Icon Harnaam Kaur Walking The Runway do yourself girl
....we appreciate your confidence and can learn from it are beautiful
Harnaam Kaur, who is known for her distinctive beard and her body positivity, opened a show at Royal Fashion Day in the UK last week.
Here she is working her craft
Read her story after the cut

"I grew up watching America's next top model, and I admired Tyra Banks whole heartedly," "I always wanted to be like the pretty models, so I remember copying the way they posed and walked. I grew up being told I was to [sic] fat, ugly, and disgusting to even model... I used to look at models and tell myself that I will never ever be able to do what they are doing. I am not pretty enough or beautiful enough and I don't have the 'right' body type."
"I was laughed at when I said I wanted to model. Jokes on my bullies," she continued.At the Marianna Harutunian show, Kaur is seen walking the runway in chunky black boots, a navy blue dress, gold chains and her traditional Sikh turban, called a damala. In the caption, Kaur goes on to talk about her long-standing dreams to be a model.

Kaur grew her beard when she was 11 after she developed polycystic ovary syndrome, a hormonal disorder, and it used to be a source of shame for her. After years of self-harming, Kaur began to embrace her beard.
"I love my beard, my stretch marks and my scars. These elements make me who I am, they make me whole, they make me complete. My beard has 100 percent become a part of my body,"

Photo: Instagramm
"It is the source of my strength and confidence. People just see the beard as hair, but my beard for me is much more than that. I keep my hair to show the world a different, confident, diverse and strong image of a woman ... I love my lady beard and I will forever cherish it.”
Courtesy hufingtonpost
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