Tuesday, March 1, 2016

Herr Drumpf: John Oliver rips Donald Trump to shreds 21-minute segment of his show

'Mr Drumpf, I await your lawsuit': John Oliver rips Donald Trump to shreds in 21-minute segment of his show

Intersting. ...things that make you go mmm

 'Donald Trump is America's back mole: It may have seemed harmless a year ago but now that it's gotten frighteningly bigger, it is no longer wise to ignore it,' Oliver said in the clip.
'unpredictable and entertaining' makes him very entertaining
'There is a part of me that even likes this guy.
'It's a part of me I hate, but it is a part of me,' Oliver said.

The former Daily Show correspondent has had issues with the Donald in the past after Trump claimed Oliver 'invited him' on his show 'five or six' times.
Oliver said that wasn't true and has since avoided giving any air time to Trump.
Photo: Reuters
Oliver revealed Trump's ancestral name 'Drumpf' during the segment and creating a hashtag, Google Chrome app and merchandise that has since gone viral

The former Daily Show correspondent went through a series of reasons why voters support Trump and dissected them. In the clip, Oliver discusses Trump's failed business ventures, litigious attitude, lies and thin-skinned nature. Oliver discussing Trump's ancestral family name 'Drumpf' and creating a hashtag #MakeDonaldDrumpfAgain

Politician Ralph Nadar used the hashtag and asked for Trump to 'release his tax returns' 
Politician Ralph Nadar used the hashtag and asked for Trump to 'release his tax returns' 
Trump's nemesis Rosie O'Donnell tweeted she had ordered a dozen of the 'Make Donald Drumpf Again' hats
Trump's nemesis Rosie O'Donnell tweeted she had ordered a dozen of the 'Make Donald Drumpf Again' hats
Actress Mara Wilson used the hashtag during a rant against the Republican front-runner, too
Actress Mara Wilson used the hashtag during a rant against the Republican front-runner, too

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