Wednesday, March 2, 2016

17-year-old naked model's hacked to death in Russia. Eyes gouged out, ears sliced off 'by her jealous drug-fuelled sister'

17-year-old naked model, was killed and mutilated in the St Petersburg, Russia flat of 42-year-old man

'Stabbed 140 times, eyes gouged out and her ears cut off after allegedly being hacked to death by her 'envious' drug-fuelled older sister, 19

Stefania Dubrovina (left), pictured with her sister Elizaveta (right), was stabbed 140 times and badly mutilated

Stefania Dubrovina, 17, was stabbed 140 times during the brutal killing Her eyes were gouged out and her ears also hacked off in the attack The teenager was known in St Petersburg, Russia for her modelling work by her sister, 19-year-old Elizaveta,  

Elizaveta Dubrovina
Stefania Dubrovina
Stefania Dubrovina (pictured right), 17, was allegedly killed in a 42-year-old's flat by her sister Elizaveta (left)
Stefania Dubrovina, 17, was stabbed 140 times during the brutal killing Her eyes were gouged out and her ears also hacked off in the attack The teenager was known in St Petersburg, Russia for her modelling work by her sister, 19-year-old Elizaveta,  
Murder victim Stefania Dubrovina (right) pictured with her sister Elizaveta Dubrovina (left) in 2012
Murder victim Stefania Dubrovina (right) pictured with her sister Elizaveta Dubrovina (left) in 2012

The young girl's body was 'almost ruined by cutting performed by the girl's elder sister', newspaper Komsomolskaya Pravda reported.
St Petersburg showman Stas Baretsky, 43, said: 'I had known Stefania for about two years. She was a modest and attractive girl, she took part in my shows. I am shocked.'
A female friend told the newspaper that on the night she died she had gone to see a man who has not been identified. 'It is not 100 per cent proved that she had romantic relations with his man,' said the friend. 'We are only sure that this man organised photo sessions for Stefania. She visited him a week before too.' On 23 February, Stefania's sister Elizaveta joined her.
A police source told that the three of them had 'a great party' and by midnight they ran out of alcohol and the man went out to buy some more.
But as soon the man had shut the door behind him, it is alleged that Elizaveta attacked her sister with a knife.
Stefania (pictured), 17, was embarking on a burgeoning modelling career when she was tragically killed
Stefania (pictured), 17, was embarking on a burgeoning modelling career when she was tragically killed
Stefania Dubrovina
Stefania Dubrovina
Elizaveta Dubrovina
Elizaveta Dubrovina
Iit is alleged that Elizaveta (pictured), 19, attacked her sister with a knife after the man left the building
A police source said on the night of her death, Stefania (pictured), her sister and the older man had run out of alcohol. The unnamed man left to buy some more and that is when the killing occurred. A police source said the killer cut off the ears of her victims, gouged out her eyes and cut the whole body. A friend claimed Stefania's sister was always 'a bit crazy' and there were reports she was treated in a psychiatric clinic. Elizaveta also tried to look as glamorous and 'copied the image of her younger sister - the same hair colour, the same lipstick' , according to the newspaper report. 17-year-old-naked model hacked to death by her 'envious' older sister, 19, Stabbed 140 times eyes gouged out ears cut off 'Stabbed 140 times, eyes gouged out and her ears cut off after allegedly being hacked to death by her 'envious' drug-fuelled older sister, 19''There are photographs of both sisters hugging each other but there is no doubt that the elder sister envied the younger one.' The girls were orphans, part of a larger family whose children were removed from their parents.
Elizaveta (pictured) tried to look as glamorous and 'copied the image of her younger sister', it was claimed
Elizaveta (pictured) tried to look as glamorous and 'copied the image of her younger sister', it was claimed
Elizaveta Dubrovina
Elizaveta Dubrovina


The two sisters (pictured is alleged killer Elizaveta) were orphans and part of a family removed from their parents
A family member to the two girls (pictured is Elizaveta) said Stefania's death was a 'shocking tragedy'
A family member to the two girls (pictured is Elizaveta) said Stefania's death was a 'shocking tragedy'
Stefania was raised in an orphanage but escaped aged 15 and went on the run for three months.
Baretsky said: 'I called Stefania some hours before her death, she was crying. I asked her "what happened?" But she explained nothing. I only understood that she had some problems.'
Earlier last month, Stefania posted a picture of herself with a bottle of wine and a big knife.

Credit: Guardian

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