Monday, March 21, 2016

President Obama and his leading ladies visit Cuba. First time time Presidential Visit in 80 years
President Barack Obama, his wife Michelle, children Sasha and Malia and the First Lady's mother, Marian Robinson is the first sitting president in nearly 90 years to visit the island.
 '¿Que bolá Cuba? (What's up Cuba?). Just touched down here, looking forward to meeting and hearing directly from the Cuban people.' 

Rain on their parade: The Obamas looked less than impressed by the rain as it fell on them while they toured Old Havana after landing in Cuba on Sunday evening
Rain on their parade: The Obamas looked less than impressed by the rain as it fell on them while they toured Old Havana after landing in Cuba on Sunday evening
Taking shelter: The Obama family did their best to stay dry as they were taken around the old town in the first hours of their historic visit
Taking shelter: The Obama family did their best to stay dry as they were taken around the old town in the first hours of
their historic visit
The president appeared to be explaining something to his daughter Malia as they were guided around Old Havana on a rainy evening
The president appeared to be explaining something to his daughter Malia as they were guided around Old Havana on a rainy evening

U.S. President Barack Obama stands near a portrait of Abraham Lincoln as he is guided on a tour of Old Havana, Cuba
U.S. President Barack Obama stands near a portrait of Abraham Lincoln as he is guided on a tour of Old Havana, Cuba
President Barack Obama stepped over a puddle as he and his family toured the cobbled streets of Old Havana
President Barack Obama stepped over a puddle as he and his family toured the cobbled streets of Old Havana

Michelle and Malia Obama were also careful to stay on their feet as they made their way through the old town's center
Michelle and Malia Obama were also careful to stay on their feet as they made their way through the old town's center

Long legs: Obama made his way through the rain on an evening that saw him meet with embassy staff at a hotel in Havana

Long legs: Obama made his way through the rain on an evening that saw him meet with embassy staff at a hotel in Havana
Cuban and American flags were flown from the president's car as it left the airport in the direction of Havana's old town, where he will be given a tour this evening.
The first family will now spend three days on the island. As they left, protesters marching against Cuba's human rights record were arrested in Havana.  
The U.S. president will meet with Cuban dictator Raul Castro during his visit, as well as dissidents of the authoritarian government. He will also give a televised speech from Havana's national theater, Gran Teatro Alicia Alonso.
Republican presidential front runner Donald Trump accused Castro of disrespecting the United States by not meeting Obama at the airport.
'Wow, President Obama just landed in Cuba, a big deal, and Raul Castro wasn't even there to greet him. He greeted Pope and others. No respect,' Trump tweeted.
Obama's first stop after landing in Cuba was meeting with staff at the recently re-opened embassy. The inclement weather meant the president chatted with workers at a nearby hotel instead of the consulate. 

The president said: 'Back in 1928, President Coolidge came on a battleship, it took him three days to get here. It only took me three hours.
'Having a US embassy means we're more effectively able to advance our values, our interests and understand more effectively.
'This is a historic visit and a historic opportunity. I know it's been a pretty busy seven months. But I want you to know, everything we've accomplished so far, it's all happening because of you. Every day you're bringing the US and Cuba closer together.'
Speaking to diplomatic staff, he added: 'I'm so glad you brought your families here because I always like taking pictures with kids. Their future is what we all work for so hard and I'm so grateful to all of you for making it happen.' 
The U.S. operated out of the embassy during the detente between the U.S. and the Castro regime from 1977 until the summer of 2015, but it was under the authority of the Swiss government, which served as the protecting power.
It officially assumed the role of the United States' mission in Cuba on July 20, 2015, when diplomatic ties were formally restored.
Dozens of people began to gather beside the U.S. embassy in Havana to wait for the arrival of President Obama on Sunday evening
Dozens of people began to gather beside the U.S. embassy in Havana to wait for the arrival of President Obama on Sunday evening

U.S. President Barack Obama and his wife Michelle approach Cuba's foreign minister Bruno Rodriguez (left) as they arrive at Havana's international airport for a three-day trip. They are seen taking the first step onto the communist nation 
U.S. President Barack Obama and his wife Michelle approach Cuba's foreign minister Bruno Rodriguez (left) as they arrive at Havana's international airport for a three-day trip. They are seen taking the first step onto the communist nation

Air Force One touched down in Havana - in the pouring rain - just before 4:30pm ET on Sunday for the visit the White House says will 'deepen' America's relationship with the government following more than half a century of tension
Air Force One touched down in Havana - in the pouring rain - just before 4:30pm ET on Sunday for the visit the White House says will 'deepen' America's relationship with the government following more than half a century of tension

Air Force One broke through the gray crowds as it came into land in Havana, soaring over streets filled with cars dating back decades
Air Force One broke through the gray crowds as it came into land in Havana, soaring over streets filled with cars dating back decades

Two Cubans watched the arrival of the president and the First Lady from their home, where a picture of revolutionary leader Che Guevara (top right) hung from the wall
Two Cubans watched the arrival of the president and the First Lady from their home, where a picture of revolutionary leader Che Guevara (top right) hung from the wall


The first day of the president's trip to Cuba will see the entire first family, including Michelle Obama's mother, Marian Robinson, take a tour of Old Havana.
As part of their 'cultural outreach' they will stop by the Havana Cathedral to see Cardinal Jaime Ortega. 
The Cuban cardinal played a crucial role in the thawing of relations between the United States, the White House says.
The cathedral is a UNESCO designated a World Heritage Site. 
They'll also greet staff at the recently reopened U.S. Embassy in Cuba. 
The president will honor José Marti, a hero in the Cuban revolt against Spain, by laying a wreath at his memorial on, a 358 foot tower, in Havana's Plaza de la Revolución, on Monday morning.

That president and first lady will participate in a State dinner hosted by the Cuban government at the Palace of the Revolution.
The following morning the president will give a speech at the Havana's national theater, Gran Teatro Alicia Alonso.
The whole family will attend an exhibition game between the Tampa Bay Rays and Cuban National Team at their stadium before leaving for Argentina on Tuesday afternoon.
The president's spokesman on Friday said Obama will not shy away from using his 'bully pulpit' on the trip to address human rights violations in the communist country that the United States was estranged from for more than 50 years. 
'For more than 50 years, we tried a strategy of saying, well, why don't we just try to ignore the Cubans and see if they change their mind on their own. Not surprisingly, that strategy didn't really work very well, so we're trying a new approach,' White House Press Secretary Josh Earnest told reporters on Friday.
Earnest said: 'The President of the United States is going to get on Air Force One, he's going to fly to Havana, Cuba, and he is going to sit down with the leader of Cuba and say, you need to do a better job of protecting the human rights of your people.

'He's going to give a speech to the Cuban population, to the Cuban people, one that will be carried on TV, according to the Cuban government, where the President will advocate for better respect for human rights.
And while he's in town the president will 'visit with people who have previously been victimized by the government, and encourage them to continue to fight for the kinds of universal human rights that we deeply cherish in this country'.
'That is effective advocacy for American values,' Earnest added. 'That is effective advocacy for the kinds of principles that we cherish in this country and in our government. And it is, by the way, an approach that is strongly supported by the vast majority of the Cuban people.'
The first day of the trip will see the entire first family, including Michelle Obama's mother, Marian Robinson, take a tour of Old Havana. 
As part of their 'cultural outreach' they will stop by the Havana Cathedral to see Cardinal Jaime Ortega. The Cuban cardinal played a crucial role in the thawing of relations between the United States and his home country.
The first family's visit to his church will 'mark the important role of the Catholic Church in the lives of the Cuban people', the White House said this week on a planning call, 'and in the increasing relations' between the two countries.   
On Monday morning, the president will honor Cuban revolutionary José Marti, a hero in the Cuban revolt against Spain, by laying a wreath at his memorial, a 358ft tower, in Havana's Plaza de la Revolución, before his meeting with Raul Castro.
The president will be 'very candid about areas of disagreement' at their meeting, Deputy National Security Adviser Ben Rhodes said, 'including the human rights practices that have concerned us in Cuba and our support for universal values in Cuba'. 
Both presidents are expected to deliver statements after the meeting and the White House indicated on Friday that Obama would likely take questions from the Press, although a formal news conference has not been scheduled.
Obama will not meet with ex-Cuban dictator Fidel Castro while he is in town. The 1950s era Cuban revolutionary turned over power to his brother in 2006 temporarily for health reasons and made the transition permanent in 2008.
The 88-year-old has rarely been seen in public since handing over power, prompting rumors that he is in failing health. His last observed outing was in February.
'Neither we nor the Cubans have pursued such a meeting,' Rhodes said Wednesday. 
Mrs Obama will meanwhile on Monday meet with female Cuban students, some of whom have studied in the U.S., as part of her Let Girls Learn initiative, the White House said.

'Americans and Cubans share a love of baseball, and this is yet another powerful reminder of the kinship between our peoples, as well as the progress we can achieve when we leverage those natural ties,' the White House's chief spokesman, Earnest, said Friday. 

The weather is said to have taken a turn for the worse just moments before the President landed 
The weather is said to have taken a turn for the worse just moments before the President landed 
Obama points to the crowd as he heads to his limousine in the rain. He prepared to go on a tour of Old Havana after getting off the plane
Obama points to the crowd as he heads to his limousine in the rain. He prepared to go on a tour of Old Havana after getting off the plane
Obama waves after his arrival on Jose Marti Airport in Havana before being driven into the city for a tour of its Old Town distric
Obama waves after his arrival on Jose Marti Airport in Havana before being driven into the city for a tour of its Old Town district

Cuban and American flags were flown from the president's car as it left the airport in the direction of Havana's Old Town, where he will be given a tour this evening 
Cuban and American flags were flown from the president's car as it left the airport in the direction of Havana's Old Town, where he will be given a tour this evening

Republican presidential front runner Donald Trump accused Castro of disrespecting the United States by not meeting Obama at the airport
Republican presidential front runner Donald Trump accused Castro of disrespecting the United States by not meeting Obama at the airport

President Barack Obama waves as he and his wife Michelle walk into a room with the U.S. ambassador to Cuba, Jeffrey DeLaurentis (left), soon after the Obamas arrived in Cuba
President Barack Obama waves as he and his wife Michelle walk into a room with the U.S. ambassador to Cuba, Jeffrey DeLaurentis (left), soon after the Obamas arrived in Cuba
President Barack Obama and his wife Michelle talk with the staff of the U.S. embassy at a Havana hotel soon after their arrival
President Barack Obama and his wife Michelle talk with the staff of the U.S. embassy at a Havana hotel soon after their arrival

Obama's meeting with opponents of the Cuban government has been especially kept under wraps going into the trip.
Earnest was unable to say today who the president will meet with specifically while he is there while promising Press a list at a later time and access when it happens.
Earnest said today that he had not seen the list but provided assurances that it had not been dictated by the Cuban government.
'The list of people invited to meet with the president in Cuba is non-negotiable,' he told reporters. 'I would not be surprised if there might be people on that list that the Cuban government would prefer that we not meet with...and I don't know whether or not they've raised those concerns or not.
'But I can tell you that the President is going to move forward and host meetings, and have a conversation about human rights with the people that he chooses to meet with,' Earnest said, 
As observers have noted, it would be difficult for the president to meet with imprisoned dissidents without working with the Cuban government, though.
Not having reviewed the list, Earnest said he was unable to vouch for the status of the participants, 'but we certainly are expecting the President to have the opportunity to meet with everybody who is invited and chooses to come.' 
The Cuban Observatory on Human Rights last month said the number of dissident arrests had went up - not down - since the U.S. and Cuba announced on Dec. 17, 2014 that they would resume high-level diplomatic relations. 
In January alone, 1,474 people were 'arbitrarily' detained, the human rights organization told Bloomberg Politics.
This week Cuba released seven dissidents and allowed them one trip abroad on the condition that when they return they will serve the remainder of their sentences out of prison and be banned from additional foreign travel.
'It appears to be some kind of gift they want to present to Obama, but in reality it is nothing concrete because when we come back we will return to legal limbo,' Martha Beatriz Roque, one of the prisoners, said. 
President Barack Obama (left) with first lady Michelle Obama, daughter Malia and Sasha and first lady's mother Marian Robinson, board Air Force One at Andrews Air Force base in Maryland for their trip to Cuba 

President Barack Obama (left) with first lady Michelle Obama, daughter Malia and Sasha and first lady's mother Marian Robinson, board Air Force One at Andrews Air Force base in Maryland for their trip to Cuba

The First Family head to the plane for the first leg of their historic three-day trip as part of efforts to normalize relations with the communist island nation 
The President waves to waiting crowds as he boards Air Force One with wife Michelle. It is the first visit to the island by a sitting President in more than 90 years 
The President waves to waiting crowds as he boards Air Force One with wife Michelle. It is the first visit to the island by a sitting President in more than 90 years

Michelle also waves as they depart  for Cuba. The U.S. president will meet with Cuban dictator Raul Castro during his visit. He and Castro are seen here last April in Panama
Michelle also waves as they depart  for Cuba. The U.S. president will meet with Cuban dictator Raul Castro during his visit. He and Castro are seen here last April in Panama
Sasha (left) and Malia Obama walk towards Air Force One upon the arrival to Andrews Air Force Base, before their departure
Sasha (left) and Malia Obama walk towards Air Force One upon the arrival to Andrews Air Force Base, before their departure

Obama buttons up his suit jacket as he steps out of his motorcade and onto the tarmac at Andrews Air Force Base 
Obama buttons up his suit jacket as he steps out of his motorcade and onto the tarmac at Andrews Air Force Base

First lady Michelle Obama steps off the limousine upon their arrival to Andrews Air Force Base, before their departure
First lady Michelle Obama steps off the limousine upon their arrival to Andrews Air Force Base, before their departure

Malia Obama (center) walks behind her sister Sasha (left) as they prepare to board the plane to Cuba on Sunday afternoon
Malia Obama (center) walks behind her sister Sasha (left) as they prepare to board the plane to Cuba on Sunday afternoon

The First Family walk up the red-carpeted stairs on the way up to the plane at Andrews Air Force base on Sunday afternoon
The First Family walk up the red-carpeted stairs on the way up to the plane at Andrews Air Force base on Sunday afternoon
Responding to criticisms of Obama's trip on Friday, his spokesman said: 'I would acknowledge that there are places where we haven't seen nearly as much improvement as we would like, but there have been some places where we have started to see improvement in Cuba, and we certainly are going to go and press on those changes.'
And he said of Obama's meeting with the dissidents, 'I think the symbolism of the President sitting down with them in their home country and showing support for their cause will be a really powerful thing I think both in real terms but symbolically as well.' 
Obama is the only U.S. president aside from Calvin Coolidge to visit Cuba while in office. He and Castro had a formal meeting last April at the Summit of the Americas Conference but that was in Panama.
The visit to Cuba by Obama follows an agreement between the countries more than a year ago to begin normalizing relations, and 'it signals a new beginning' between the two countries, acting U.S. Ambassador to Cuba Jeffrey DeLaurentis told reporters Wednesday. 
The Cuban government says that cannot happen until a U.S. embargo banning trade and tourism is lifted on the country and the foreign government returns Guantanamo Bay. U.S. officials have steadfastly said it cannot have the land occupied by naval base and prison back.  
A member of the Ladies in White Human Rights organization is arrested during a march in Havana. Dissidents called on the eve of the visit for US President Barack Obama to promote 'radical change,' notably a 'stop to repression and use of physical violence against all political and human rights activists'
A member of the Ladies in White Human Rights organization is arrested during a march in Havana. Dissidents called on the eve of the visit for US President Barack Obama to promote 'radical change,' notably a 'stop to repression and use of physical violence against all political and human rights activists'
Member of the Ladies in White Human Rights organization demonstrate ahead of the President's visit 
Member of the Ladies in White Human Rights organization demonstrate ahead of the President's visit 
Cuban children listen to a group of Afro-Cuban musicians performing in an alleyway in downtown Havana, before the arrival of President Barack Obama.  In his historic visit to Cuba, Obama is relegating decades of American acrimony with the communist country further into the past and cementing a new relationship between the Cold War-era foes
Several hundred people protest against US President Barack Obama's visit to Cuba in the Little Havana neighborhood of Miami, Florida
Members of the Ladies in White Human Rights organization are arrested during the heated March
Members of the Ladies in White Human Rights organization are arrested during the heated March
Accompanying Obama on the trip are Secretary of State John Kerry, Secretary of Agriculture Tom Vilsack, Secretary of Commerce Penny Pritzker and Small Business Administrator Maria Contreras-Sweet.
A delegations of more than 30 lawmakers - mostly Democrats but some Republicans - will join them. House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi will be on the trip, a Democratic aide confirmed. Senate Minority Leader Harry Reid will not.
House Republicans making the 90-mile trip south of the U.S. are Minnesota's Tom Emmer, South Carolina's Mark Sanford and Wisconsin's Reid Ribble. 

Speaker Paul Ryan chided Obama this week for making the trip in spite of the Castro regime's egregious record of human rights abuses.
'To this day, it is a regime that provides safe harbor to terrorists and fugitives. Unfortunately, it is doubtful that the president will bring up the need for reform during his visit,' Ryan charged.
Rather, he will announce 'new commercial deals between U.S. companies and the Cuban regime—deals that will legitimize and strengthen the communist government,' the leading Republican congressman said.
Ryan reiterated Republican opposition to lifting the 1959 trade embargo on Cuba, and said 'despite the president's attempts to undermine' it with his executive actions, 'he is ultimately bound by it. It is the law of the land.' 


ABOVE: President Calvin Coolidge
ABOVE: President Calvin Coolidge
The last and only U.S. president to visit Cuba was Calvin Coolidge in 1928. 
Obama becomes the first sitting president to set foot there in 88 years on Sunday.
The U.S. and Cuba were not on speaking terms for more than 50 years following the 1959 revolution led by Fidel Castro and Che Guevara that overthrew Western-backed dictator Fulgencio Batista.
They installed a communist government and nationalized private businesses, including ones owned and operated by U.S. citizens. 
President Dwight D. Eisenhower responded with an embargo and cut off ties with the country a year


Raul Castro was a commander during his brother's revolution of Cuba and overthrow of Western backed dictator Fulgencio Batista.
As a result of the 1953 26th of July Movement, he spent 22 months in prison in Mexico.
He escaped from Mexico along with 81 other exiled revolutionaries and made it back to Cuba in 1956.
His kidnapping of 34 Americans and two Canadians in June of 1958 almost led to military intervention in the revolution by the United States. 

The hostages were eventually released. On January 1, 1959, the Castros and Che Guevara successfully forced Batista out of Cuba and into exile.
Having wrangled control of the country, Fidel made his right-hand man and brother the head of the nation's army - a position Raul held until his brother formally passed on power to him in 2008.
Raul Castro modernized and liberalized the economy in Cuba, allowing the purchase of microwaves, cell phones computers, among other technologies. 
He is pursuing an economic model based off of China, which permits for some foreign investment and private enterprise.
Castro says he will step down as president at the end of his current term in 2018. His likely successor is first vice president Miguel Díaz-Canel.
Ahead of Obama's visit the United States Treasury Department eased restrictions on travel to Cuba, ending a requirement that Americans visiting for educational purposes go in groups. 

Obama is the only U.S. president aside from Calvin Coolidge to visit Cuba while in office. Coolidge is seen here in January of 1928 making his way through Havana in a town car
Obama is the only U.S. president aside from Calvin Coolidge to visit Cuba while in office. Coolidge is seen here in January of 1928 making his way through Havana in a town car

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