Monday, March 21, 2016

Powers of Makeup - Mesmerizing video shows a make-up artist contouring a model's entire TORSO - including her abs, her shoulders and even her cleavage

Putting it together: In a new clip for Los Angeles-based online make-up school Ghalichi Glam, make-up artist Jose Martinez (left) contours the face and body of model Lauren York (right)
Putting it together: In a new clip for Los Angeles-based online make-up school Ghalichi Glam, make-up artist Jose Martinez (left) contours the face and body of model Lauren York (right)

  Face, neck and even ear contouring have become trends in recent times, it's no surprise that make-up artists are taking the method even further.
In a new video for Los Angeles-based online make-up school Ghalichi Glam, make-up artist Jose Martinez puts his skills to use on the face and body of model Lauren York, showing in just 15 seconds how contouring can define abs, cleavage and even shoulders.
A short preview clip of the full tutorial posted to Instagram starts by showing the model in various steps of face contouring, being transformed in a flash.

From the top: The clip begins with Jose applying contoured make-up lines to Lauren's faceFrom the top: The clip begins with Jose applying contoured make-up lines to Lauren's face
From the top: The clip begins with Jose applying contoured make-up lines to Lauren's face
Before blending in all those expertly-crafted lines, Jose moves onto Lauren's torso.
Wearing just a strip of fabric across her bust, Lauren has two dark line with one light line between them painted onto her neck.
On her chest, Jose creates a series of multi-shaded lines on both sides of Lauren's body, which eventually bend inwards to enhance her cleavage. 
He even creates a pair of target-shaped markings on the tip of each of Lauren's shoulders. 
Extending the trend: Jose (pictured) shows off his professional skills by defining the model's cleavage, shoulders, neck and stomach
Extending the trend: Jose (pictured) shows off his professional skills by defining the model's cleavage, shoulders, neck and stomach
Filling it in: Lauren is given drawn-on abdominal muscles with a dark line down her stomach with crossing perpendicular lines
Filling it in: Lauren is given drawn-on abdominal muscles with a dark line down her stomach with crossing perpendicular lines
Adding more: Aside from the make-up contouring, Lauren is also given a smokey eye and pink lips
Adding more: Aside from the make-up contouring, Lauren is also given a smokey eye and pink lips
Below the bra, Jose paints a long line down the center of Lauren's stomach with several perpendicular lines across it to outline abdominal muscles.
In the spaces in between, he makes swipes of lighter patches.

Next, with a large make-up brush, he begins to blend all the lines together, from Lauren's stomach up, with the lines on her stomach becoming defined abs.
Steadying himself and holding Lauren's hair back with one hand, Jose then blends the lines across her chest and shoulders. 
Finishing touches: Steadying himself on her shoulder, the Lauren brushes in the lines over her chest and the circles on her shoulder
Finishing touches: Steadying himself on her shoulder, the Lauren brushes in the lines over her chest and the circles on her shoulder

Blended: After brushing together the lines on the rest of her body, Jose moves onto her face

Showing off: Lauren finishes the video by celebrating by blowing a kiss to the camera
Showing off: Lauren finishes the video by celebrating by blowing a kiss to the camera
With that done, Jose blends in Lauren's facial contouring with an added smokey eye and pink-slicked lips.
The short clip ends with Lauren, clearly happy with her new look, blows a kiss at the camera and gives a little wiggle while posing next to Jose. 

In just three days, the clip has been liked more than 14,000 times on the Instagram page of Ghalichi Glam head Lilly Ghalichi and a further 36,000 after it was picked up by make-up page @fashionvideo.s. 

Courtesy dailymail

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