...the makings of a despot. Maybe the country should now be called "the kingdom of Kagame "
...the 'favorite "president" fast becomes a despot after over 14 years of rule

Rwandan President Paul Kagame
"Rwandans, most of whom are under 30 are more concerned with reaching our potential than sliding back into the dark past," - Kagame
... aren't there any other citizens of Ruwanda found worthy of running this office
....the nightmare will end after 38 years of rule
Kigali: Rwandan President Paul Kagame defended on Friday a December referendum that could allow him to extend his time in office through 2034, a move that has been criticized by the United States and other Western powers.
Kagame, who has been effectively in control of the central African country since he marched a rebel army into its capital Kigali in 1996, ending a genocide that saw 800,000 massacred, contended he was following the will of his people. "Rwandans, most of whom are under 30 are more concerned with reaching our potential than sliding back into the dark past," Kagame said in a speech at Harvard University in Cambridge, Massachusetts, just outside Boston. "There is a new democratic fundamentalism that values form over substance," Kagame added. "If it is inherently undemocratic to amend constitutions, why do they contain provisions for doing so everywhere?"

credit: standard
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