Thursday, March 3, 2016

Kenyan man Kills 4 of his Children and is sentenced to 200 years in jjail

Kenyan man Kills his Wife and Children and is sentenced to 200 years  

“I didn’t kill my children. I know this is my fault but I wish that the court finds it noble to reduce the number of years in my sentence" - Misati.

PHOTO: Denis Ochieng/Standard
Lucas Misati, 40, during the ruling of his case where he was charged with killing his children.
Lukas Misati, 40,  has been sentenced to sentenced to 200 years in prison after pleading guilty to killing his four children.
 Kisii resident judge Joseph Karanja on Monday ruled that Mr Misati will serve the sentence concurrently for 50 years for each of the four counts of murder he had been charged with. He has 14 days to appeal the sentence
He was charged with strangling his four children Toto Misati, 3, Brian, 9, Ontoyo, 7 and Naom Mogutu 5 following a feud with his wife.
PHOTO: Denis Ochieng/Standard
 Lucas Misati's wife, Hellen Kemunto
His wife, Helen Kemunto, had allegedly disagreed with his plans to move from their rental house when Misati attacked her. Kemunto escaped with injuries and went to  a nearby hospital, when she returned home, she found the children missing. Later discovering that er husband Misati had strangled the children to death

“I thought they had shifted to another house. My husband called our landlady and told her to inform me that I pick my children form the nearby bush. However, one of the children lay dead at the 
 doorstep while the other three bodies were in the nearby nappier grass,” she said. 

No one in the family, including his mother, was willing to stand for surety for the suspect. After his arrest, he was remanded at the Kisii Main Remand prison. After his sentencing, he recounted that everything happened too fast to be able to really tell what happened that night.

PHOTO: Denis Ochieng/Standard
The remains of the murdered children during the burial service in November 2012

Credit: Standard digital

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