Thursday, March 3, 2016

Mitt Romney brands Trump 'a fraud, a phony' and 'very very not smart' in brutal speech

Mitt Romney brands Trump 'a fraud, a phony' and 'very very not smart' in brutal speech that will set the tone for Thursday debate – but The Donald blasts 2012 White House loser as a 'catastrophe'
...what happened to the bromance
... no fan of Trump but Mitt, you had your say in 2012, no one listened, what has changed
....lots of truth in what you are saying - 5 shekeres for your standing up to  the bully
Photo: Reuters

Mitt Romney tore into Donald Trump Thursday morning in Utah with an air assault that will clear a path for The Donald's rivals to attack him in the evening debate

Trump has been riding a near-year-long wave of political discontent with America's leaders – especially the liberal president Barack Obama but also Capitol Hill conservatives who have alienated right-ring Republicans by falling short in government of their broad conservative promises.

Parts of Mitt Romney's speech were leaked to the media and he's expected to call GOP frontrunner Donald Trump (pictured) a 'phony' and fraud'Parts of Mitt Romney's speech were leaked to the media and he's expected to call GOP frontrunner Donald Trump a 'phony' and fraud' 
Parts of Mitt Romney's (left) speech were leaked to the media and he's expected to call GOP front runner Donald Trump (right) a 'phony' and fraud' 

'I understand the anger Americans feel today,' Romney said Thursday. 'In the past, our presidents have channeled that anger, and forged it into resolve, into endurance and high purpose, and into the will to defeat the enemies of freedom. Our anger was transformed into energy directed for good'.
'Mr. Trump is directing our anger for less than noble purposes,' he continued. 'He creates scapegoats of Muslims and Mexican immigrants, he calls for the use of torture and for killing the innocent children and family members of terrorists. He cheers assaults on protesters. He applauds the prospect of twisting the Constitution to limit first amendment freedom of the press.'
'This is the very brand of anger that has led other nations into the abyss.'

True talk

Courtesy: dailymail

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