Wednesday, March 16, 2016

A Glimpse: Extraordinary Hasidic wedding photographs from an Ultra Orthodox Jewish wedding

...very lovely and fascinating
 A closer look at the remarkable beading and pearls and lace on her veil and dress

Dance for me: The veiled bride arrived in the men's section of the wedding as the male well-wishers, wearing their traditional shtreimel hats, danced to fulfil the Mitzvah tantz part of the wedding, where men and honored rabbis are invited to dance for the bride

Extraordinary wedding photographs from an Ultra Orthodox Jewish wedding in Israel yesterday offer a fascinating insight into the more traditional elements of the ceremony.
The wedding, between the grandson of the Rabbi of the Tzanz Hasidic dynasty and the granddaughter of the religious leader of the Toldos Avraham Yitzchak Hasidic dynasty, in the central Israeli city of Netanya involved a guest list of thousands, with people lining the streets to welcome the bride. 
Inside, a floor-to-ceiling gauze curtain separated men from women and male well-wishers dressed all in black wore the traditional shtreimel hats.

Spectacle: The men begin the elaborate dance while the bride looks on from behind her full-face veil
Spectacle: The men begin the elaborate dance while the bride looks on from behind her full-face veil
As other women watched from behind the gauze curtain, the bride took part in the Mitvah tantz ritual - where members of the family and honoured rabbis danced in front of her and then with the groom. 
Using gartels - a traditional Jewish belt - to form a link back to the bride, the men danced while hundreds of onlookers watched from the tiered seating.  
A rabbi tied around the chest with a black gartel - belt - performs as part of the Mitzvah tantz. The bride holds the gartel while the groom, dressed in a blue robe

A rabbi tied around the chest with a black gartel - belt - performs as part of the Mitzvah tantz. The bride holds the gartel while the groom, dressed in a blue robe
The rabbis and the groom dance to fulfil the Mitzvah tantz part of the ceremony as onlookers snap pictures of the wedding
The rabbis and the groom dance to fulfil the Mitzvah tantz part of the ceremony as onlookers snap pictures of the wedding

The bride holds a gartel while family members dance and the grandson of the Rabbi of the Tzanz Hasidic dynasty wore a tile-print robe
The bride holds a gartel while family members dance and the grandson of the Rabbi of the Tzanz Hasidic dynasty wore a tile-print robe
Separated: Men and boys, including one on his mobile phone, look on as the dancing takes place. Behind the bride women watch, with many sat behind a thin veil
Separated: Men and boys, including one on his mobile phone, look on as the dancing takes place. Behind the bride women watch, with many sat behind a thin veil
A closer look at the remarkable beading and pearls and lace on her veil and dress
The bride sits during the ceremony

Before the veil goes on, the Jewish bride arrives in a simple horse-drawn carriage with members of her familyA closer look at the remarkable beading and pearls and lace on her veil and dress, left, as the bride sits during the ceremony, right
Before the veil goes on, the Jewish bride arrives in a simple horse-drawn carriage with members of her family
With the Netanya skyline in the background, Jewish children parade alongside the bride in her horse and carriage
With the Netanya skyline in the background, Jewish children parade alongside the bride in her horse and carriage
Photo:APThe bride arrives for the ceremony in a white carriage with a plum interior and is helped from the carriage in her dress
The bride arrives for the ceremony in a white carriage with a plum interior and is helped from the carriage in her dress
Smile! The bride is escorted into the venue by friends and family who try to keep the train of her dress from dragging on the floor
Smile! The bride is escorted into the venue by friends and family who try to keep the train of her dress from dragging on the floor

The family of the bride, dressed in their wedding finery, guide her into the venue before the rain began to pour on the city
The family of the bride, dressed in their wedding finery, guide her into the venue before the rain began to pour on the city
The wedding venue was so full that some guests were forced to use binoculars just to catch a closer glimpse of the bride and groom as they were married.
Members of the congregation held hands and danced during the ceremony and sweets were handed out to children before the wedding party enjoyed a traditional meal.

The Vizhnitz sect was formed by Menachem Mendel Hager of Kosov in the 1800s in Vyzhnytsia, Bukovina, Austria-Hungary - now the Ukraine.
Vizhnitz is one of several major Hasidic sects, with others including Breslov, Lubavitch (Chabad), Satmar, Boston and Spinka.
The different communities can usually be identified by their particular clothing, such as their hats or socks.  
 Dance for me: The veiled bride arrived in the men's section of the wedding as the male well-wishers, wearing their traditional shtreimel hats, danced to fulfil the Mitzvah tantz part of the wedding, where men and honoured rabbis are invited to dance for the bride
Before the veil goes on, the Jewish bride arrives in a simple carriage with members of her family. After arriving at the venue, she sits, wearing an elaborate silk and lace wedding dress in a cream chair. The female wedding guests, mostly wearing dark colours, gather behind her. 
Many of the guests sit outside, with the male guests protecting their shtreimels with plastic coverings in case of any rain clouds above Netanya. Such is the sheer amount of people in attendance that many of the guests need binoculars to see the happy couple close up.  

Guests share a joke as the bride closes her eyes in prayer, her dress spread out around her

Guests share a joke as the bride closes her eyes in prayer, her dress spread out around her
She wore a string of pearls over her high-necked pearl-encrusted dressThe bride wore a tiara under the intricate veil
The bride wore a tiara under the intricate veil and a string of pearls over her high-necked pearl-encrusted dress
A thin gauze curtain separates the male guests from the female guests at the large wedding
A thin gauze curtain separates the male guests from the female guests at the large wedding
Captivated: The guests watch, fascinated by the dancing as the bride looks on
Captivated: The guests watch, fascinated by the dancing as the bride looks on
The bride takes part in the 'mitzva tantz', the custom in which relatives dance in front of the bride after her wedding ceremony
The bride takes part in the 'mitzva tantz', the custom in which relatives dance in front of the bride after her wedding ceremony

The Jewish men attend the wedding in traditional shtreimel hats as they watch the proceedings
The Jewish men attend the wedding in traditional shtreimel hats as they watch the proceedings
An ultra-Orthodox Jewish man uses binoculars during the wedding to catch a glimpse of the bride
An ultra-Orthodox Jewish man uses binoculars during the wedding to catch a glimpse of the bride
Rainclouds gather...but these young Orthodox Jews are well prepared, covering their hats with plastic bags
Rainclouds gather...but these young Orthodox Jews are well prepared, covering their hats with plastic bags

Ultra-Orthodox Jews - wearing plastic coatings on their hats - gather in the men's section during the wedding
Ultra-Orthodox Jews - wearing plastic coatings on their hats - gather in the men's section during the wedding
Reading prayer books, some of the guests find a higher platform to attain a better view
Reading prayer books, some of the guests find a higher platform to attain a better view
Malev tov! The male guests dance in the men's section of the venue during the wedding
Malev tov! The male guests dance in the men's section of the venue during the wedding

The roomy venue was packed for the wedding of the grandson of the famous Rabbi, which took place today, and saw many from the Tzanz Hasidic dynasty community attending.
The bride was completely covered in a decadent lace and pearl embroidered dress, which included a full-face veil, to enter the men's section of the hall where a key element of the traditional wedding was carried out.

Courtesy dailymail

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