Thursday, February 25, 2016

Three women rape hitch-hiker and harvest his semen' in Zimbabwe

Gangs of beautiful women pickup male travelers have sex and harvest their sperm in condoms in a dizzying mix of taboos, rituals and downright bizarre.
'Victims of the highway prowlers are being drugged, subdued at gun or knife point, even with a live snake in one case, given a sexual stimulant and forced into repeated sex before being dumped on the roadside'  

Photo: Alamy Stock Photo
'Three women picked up a hitch-hiker and forced him to have sex, then harvested his semen' in latest 'sperm collector' attack to hit Zimbabwe'

Bulawayo police spokesperson Precious Simango told The Chronicle they picked up the man at an illegal hiking point on 6th Avenue in the city.
'Their victim was traveling to Cowdray Park and while on the way they changed the route prompting him to inquire where they were taking him. They told him they were taking a short cut.'Share
They are alleged to have then parked in a semi-rural area where they took turns to sexually assault him.
'One of the women used a condom while the others had sex with him without protection. They then took away his semen before dumping him.'
The inspector did not explain why they were harvesting semen, but the case bears strong similarities to a spate of attacks across the country in 2011 and 2012.
Local media have reported victims of the highway prowlers being drugged, subdued at gun or knife point - even with a live snake in one case - given a sexual stimulant and forced into repeated sex before being dumped on the roadside.
The three women linked to the case, meanwhile, have stirred much attention and public anger. Audiences pack into the dreary courtrooms each time they appear in the dock, and one of their lawyers said they have received death threats

No law in Zimbabwe criminalizes rape by women so the trio, arrested with one man, face 17 counts of aggravated indecent assault, though no trial date has as yet been set.

"It's really an issue which is mind boggling," said University of Zimbabwe sociologist Watch Ruparanganda, who believes it is a lucrative business. "It's quite a big mystery. Obviously we know [it is] being used for rituals."

Ruparanganda said he was astonished to discover seven years ago that semen appeared to have become a viable commodity, while doing research for his doctoral thesis among Harare street youth who told him that businessmen would take them to hotels, give them new clothes and ply them with booze.

They were then told to pick a prostitute and to hand over the used condom after sex. "It just shows there's some big racket somewhere, some big guys driving everything, but they are in the background and using these ladies," said Ruparanganda.

The Zimbabwe National Traditional Healers Association slams the practice.
"We believe that this is a form of witchcraft. So we are totally against the idea," said spokesperson George Kandiyero.

"It has really frightened people," he said. "It has really brought in a bit of shock because normally it was the other way round, normally we know of men raping women, not women raping men."

Credit DailyMail


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