Wednesday, February 24, 2016

Sadiq, The 4-year Old Boy Whose Eyes Were Gouged By Ritualists, Gets a Foundation

The Birth of the Sadiq Usman Foundation (SUF)
Though his eyes wear gouged out be ritualists, his spirit remains strong
...anyone know the fate of the dudes/kidnappers that committed this heinous crime?

 On the 27th of January 2016, 4-year-old Sadiq Usman and his sister were kidnapped by unknown persons suspected to be ritualists while on their way to the mosque close to their home in Zaria, Kaduna State. His sister was later found, unhurt, but Sadiq was found much later with empty bloody eye-sockets, and his eyes ... just too sad

Since the terrible incident, some actions have taken place to alleviate the destruction wrought on his young life,  Sadiq  Usman who had been admie to   Ahmadu Univerity Teachinng Hospital,ABUTU, he has been discharge a returned home to his home inn the village of Bula area of Jushi in the outskirts of Zaria, Kaduna State.

Sadq Usman has been visited  by the governor of Kaduna, Mallam Nasir El-Rufai, has already pledged a scholarship to university level. The Emir of Zauzau has visited and made promises too. Other kind-hearted Nigerians have pledged support and some have even given some cash.  Airtel's Director of Communication, Emeka Oparah who recntly visted Sadiq Usman and Mallam Abdullahi a friend of the family want to join together to created a foundation that will manage all the donations and promises being promised to Sadiq Usman

The Future?
A foundation is being established in his name, the Sadiq Usman Foundation to manage these donations and  co-ordinate his medical treatment, education and general care
It all started here ...
Photo: Premium Times

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