Monday, February 29, 2016

Lenten meditation

Lenten Meditation

Reparation Prayers to the Agonizing Jesus Christ (10 December 1998)
Lord Jesus Christ, throughout history You are leading us back to the Almighty Father. We are immensely grateful. We appreciate Your love. We remember with heartfelt sorrow, our weaknesses, sins, and all Your suffering in this noble task. Can we lessen it? We pray You, help us to do it by our style of life. Henceforth, we shall do whatever is required if only You will it. Show us more love by willing it. We ask this in the name of Jesus Christ Our Lord, Who lives and reigns with the Father, in the unity of the Holy Spirit, one God forever and ever. Amen.

Eternal Father, I offer to You all the wounds of Your dearly beloved Son, Jesus Christ; the pains and agony of His Sacred Heart and His most Precious Blood, which gushed out from all His wounds, for the reparation of my sins and those of the whole world. Amen.
(3 times)

Apostle's Creed*… (Brief silence)…
Where are you, My son? Your Master is looking for you. Come to me! Come nearer and hear My agonizing appeal.

My son, there once was a Man who had many sheep. He looked after them and shepherded them well. Whenever they were thirsty, He led them to a spring of flowing water to satisfy their thirst. He did not allow them to feel hungry. He led them to a beautiful green pasture. They ate and grew fat and strong. The Man fortified the pasture land so that no wolf would enter to harm the flock.

One day, the sheep planned a rebellion and forcefully escaped from the camp and entered the forest of wild animals. There they were captured by the wild animals. They were like slaves without hope. Their bodies and blood were used for festivals and animal sacrifices to their gods. Nevertheless, the Man did not forget His flock. He sent all His servants and they were killed. Lastly, He sent His Son Who eventually won the battle.

The Son of Man led the flock shepherdly day and night in the wilderness. On their way out from the wilderness, they underwent many difficulties which they could not withstand. They complained to the Son of Man, uttered all kinds of cruel words against Him, and finally killed Him. Son, when the Father of the Son of Man hears about the death of His Son, what do you think He will do?

My son, you and your people are the flock. My Father is the owner of the flock Who sent many prophets to His people who are living in this terrifying wilderness. I am the Son Whom you persecuted and killed. What have I done to you? Despite all your sinful acts, My Father is still calling you to return to Him, but you pay no attention to His call. RETURN! O Israel My people! Make reparation for the sins you and the whole world commit against My Father and against My Precious Blood. I am the Agonizing Jesus Christ.

My God, my God, I believe firmly with all my heart. I hope and sincerely trust in You. Only You I will adore forever. With true repentance and love, I fall prostrate at Your feet; I ask pardon of You for those who do not believe and do not want to believe, those who do not adore and do not want to adore, and those who crucified You and are crucifying You daily. Dear Jesus, I will console You all my life. Amen.

O my God, because You are so good, I am very sorry that I have sinned against You and by the help of Your grace, I will not sin again. Amen.

Our Father*...Hail Mary*...3 Glory Be's*...

Agonizing Jesus Christ Our Lord,
You have suffered, and paid for our lives,
May Your Will be done on earth.
Calm the heat of Your anger O Lord,
We are sorry, we all have sinned,
We will never sin again.

Jesus in the Holy Eucharist,
When You called us, we knew nothing,
Forgive us we pray O Lord.

O most Holy Trinity, Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, I offer You the Word made flesh, Jesus Christ; His flesh covered with wounds and blood, His agony in the garden, His scourging, His crowning with thorns, His rejection, His condemnation, His crucifixion and death, along with all the sufferings of Your Holy Church and the blood of martyrs, in reparation for my sins and those of the whole world. Amen.

Agonizing Jesus, I offer You my heart to be united with Your Agonizing Heart as a co-bearer of Your agony. Jesus, I wish to be in agony with You so as to hasten Your Glorious Reign of Peace. Amen.

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