Saturday, February 27, 2016

'If you'll shut up, I'll give you my answer': Bill Clinton snaps at Veteran

If you'll shut up, I'll give you my answer': The extraordinary moment Bill Clinton snaps at veteran and tells him to listen after he interrupted his speech to attack Hillary on Benghazi

"Am I allowed to answer? I'm not your commander in chief anymore but if I were, I'd tell you to be more polite and sit down."  
"I wouldn't listen!' the man shouted in return"
Curious ..political activists? why ask a question if you don't want answered?
Pure political theatre if you ask me.
Photo: youtube

Tweet: If you'll shut up, I'll give you my answer':  Bill Clinton snaps at veteran  to listen after interruption and attack on Hillary re- Benghazi

'The thing is, we lost four lives in Benghazi killed and your wife tried to cover it up,' the Marine responded, drawing boos and jeers from the crowd.
Video after cut

As the man continued to talk, audience members yelled at him to sit down. 'Are you going to let me answer?' Clinton asked.
'This is America. I get to answer,' he said. 'You listen to me. I heard you,' Clinton snapped as the man turned around and began addressing the crowd.

 Video shows former president, Bill Clinton, giving a speech in South Carolina when he was interrupted by a former Marine

The Marine asked him to address what Hillary Clinton was going to do about Veteran's Affairs 
'This is America. I get to answer,' he said. 'You listen to me. I heard you,' Clinton snapped as the man turned around and began addressing the crowd.
Photo: youtube
'Am I allowed to answer? I'm not your commander in chief anymore but if I were, I'd tell you to be more polite and sit down.' 
'I wouldn't listen!' the man shouted in return.
 He was then booed by the audience and escorted out of the building
 Another woman jumped up and started shouting in his place and she was also removed from the building.
courtesy: Mail

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