... why they've refused to move in
Couple are selling their Bel Air mansion after giving up on plans to move in
They are currently renovating a second property in Hidden Hills - but the grand efforts to create their dream home keep getting delayed
Couple are selling their Bel Air mansion after giving up on plans to move in
They are currently renovating a second property in Hidden Hills - but the grand efforts to create their dream home keep getting delayed
Photo: E!
Filled with light: The coupled initially planned to live in the house, but then put it on the marketWatch video after cut .....She's been camping out at her mom's place for more than two years.But
Kim Kardashian dismissed the idea that she might prefer to live in her
newly renovated Bel Air mansion - instead insisting that it would take
too much work to make it 'perfect'.'There's
so much that we wanna do to it to get it sold,' she explained to BFF
Jonathan Cheban on Sunday night's finale of Keeping Up With The
Kardashians, as they toured the beautiful home.
A patently incredulous Cheban admired the immaculate mansion, asking Kim: 'This is amazing, why wouldn't you want to move in here for two months?'
But Kim, who remains in situ at Kris Jenner's house as renovations of her Hidden Hills mansion rumble on, was determined.

Photo: E!
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