This fast food calculator can determine exactly how long you should workout after indulging in your favorite meal, such as a Big Mac and fries from McDonald's (pictured)
  ...calculations done mainly on fast food meals
 ...taking a second look at guilty pleasures

The online tool, created by healthy living website Home Remedy Shop, uses a mathematical equation and nutritional information from eight popular chains to work out how much exercise you need to do to burn off the junk food calories.
To use the calculator, enter your weight in pounds, and then choose your meal one of eight fast food outlets: Starbucks, Burger King, McDonald's, Chipotle, Taco Bell, Dunkin' Donuts, Subway and Wendy's.

It tots up the total calorie content for your choice, and gives the amount of time you'd need to spend working out to burn it off.
It gives eight different workout options for each: yoga, running, walking, strength training, dancing, rollerblading, cardio equipment and biking.
The online tool, created by Home Remedy Shop, calculates the length of time you need to spend doing various activities, such as running or lifting wights, to burn off a fast food meal, using a mathematical equation and the nutrition data from eight popular fast food restaurants. Above, how long it takes to burn off a 1,330 calorie Big Mac meal - and the equivalent foods
The online tool, created by Home Remedy Shop, calculates the length of time you need to spend doing various activities, such as running or lifting wights, to burn off a fast food meal, using a mathematical equation and the nutrition data from eight popular fast food restaurants. Above, how long it takes to burn off a 1,330 calorie Big Mac meal - and the equivalent foods
For a Subway 12" meatball marinara sandwich and a diet Coke (pictured) worth 960 calories, you're looking at running for 1 hour and 49 minutes
For a Subway 12' meatball marinara sandwich and a diet Coke (pictured) worth 960 calories, you're looking at running for 1 hour and 49 minutes
For a 12-inch meatball marinaras from Subway, you would need to do four hours and 31 minutes of yoga or strength training to beat the bulge

For a 12-inch meatball marinaras from Subway, you would need to do four hours and 31 minutes of yoga or strength training to beat the bulge

The calculator also tells you the number of vegetables you could have eaten for the same number of calories. 
The average UK woman weighs 11st 2lbs (156lbs), while the average US woman weighs 166.2lbs (11st 12lbs).
Based on these weights it would take a UK woman just over seven hours of yoga and strength training burn off a Double Whopper with Cheese and Large French Fries from Burger King.
She could also do four hours and 41 minutes of dancing, two hours and 48 minutes of running, five hours and 32 minutes of walking, two hours 38 minutes of biking or three hours 31 minutes of rollerblading to burn off the 1,490 calories feast.
Alternatively, she could hit the gym for two hours and 38 minutes on cardio equipment such as a treadmill or exercise bike. 
A Burger King Double Whopper Sandwich with cheese and medium french fries, without a drink, contains a whopping 1,400 calories
A Burger King Double Whopper Sandwich with cheese and medium french fries, without a drink, contains a whopping 1,400 calories
To burn off a Burger King meal, Whopper with cheese as above, would take four hours 24 minutes of dancing, or six and a half hours of yoga 
To burn off a Burger King meal, Whopper with cheese as above, would take four hours 24 minutes of dancing, or six and a half hours of yoga 

The average US woman would need to do six hours and 35 minutes of yoga or strength training; four hours and 24 minutes of dancing; two hours and 38 minutes of running; five hours and 12 minutes of walking; or two hours and 28 minutes of biking and three hours and 18 minutes of rollerblading.
Or she could spend two hours and 28 minutes on cardio equipment.
Even though the average US woman is around 10lbs heavier than the average UK woman, she will need to do slightly less exercise to burn off fast food. 
Body size is one factor that influences your metabolic weight, so regardless of whether you're heavier due to muscle or fat, the larger you are the faster you'll burn calories compared to someone who is smaller than you.
 Body size is one factor that influences your metabolic weight, so regardless of whether your weight is due to muscle or fat, the larger you are the faster you'll burn calories compared to someone who is smaller than you
 Body size is one factor that influences your metabolic weight, so regardless of whether your weight is due to muscle or fat, the larger you are the faster you'll burn calories compared to someone who is smaller than you

A Glazed donut with a large latte with almond milk large from Dunkin Donuts will add up to about 420 calories
A Glazed donut with a large latte with almond milk large from Dunkin Donuts will add up to about 420 calories
To burn off a Dunkin Donuts glazed donut with a large latte with almond milk would take an hour of rollerskating or nearly 47 minutes of running 
To burn off a Dunkin Donuts glazed donut with a large latte with almond milk would take an hour of rollerskating or nearly 47 minutes of running 
A Chipotle chicken burrito with brown rice, black beans, tomato salsa, sour cream, cheese and guacamole and a side of nachos and guacamole will mean you have to under take six hours 36 minutes of dancing to burn it off
A Chipotle chicken burrito with brown rice, black beans, tomato salsa, sour cream, cheese and guacamole and a side of nachos and guacamole will mean you have to under take six hours 36 minutes of dancing to burn it off

For a Subway 12'' meatball marinara sandwich and a Diet Coke worth 960 calories, the average UK woman is looking at running for 1 hour and 49 minutes.
While a chicken burrito with brown rice, black beans, tomato salsa, sour cream, cheese and guacamole and a side of nachos and guacamole from Chipotle will mean you have to under take six hours 36 minutes of dancing to burn it off.
To estimate the amount of activity needed to burn off the calories from a fast food meal, Home Remedy Shop used a well-known equation that takes into account the energy cost of different exercises as well as a person's weight and the amount of time they perform each exercise.
The tool also provided a variety of work outs for standard fast food meals, based on the weight of the average American man and woman. 
A Frappucino from Starbucks, the sugary, iced coffee drink, would be burned off with 38 minutes on the cardio machine, if you opt for the large, plain coffee option
A Frappucino from Starbucks, the sugary, iced coffee drink, would be burned off with 38 minutes on the cardio machine, if you opt for the large, plain coffee option
To work off the 350 calories from your Starbucks Frappucino, you would need to run for 40 minutes
To work off the 350 calories from your Starbucks Frappucino, you would need to run for 40 minutes