what we need, some more nudies. 'who thinks this is just a ruse by
these ladies to get their own selfie-nudies out there?'

Three friends have taken a stand against slut shaming by posing nude in front of a giant mural of Kim Kardashian's infamous naked selfie.

friends have taken a stand against slut shaming by posing nude in
front of a giant mural of Kim Kardashian's infamous naked selfie
Melbourne mural was defaced with words 's***' and 'no fat chicks'
See pics after cut ....
'Body shaming is not OK'
Melbourne mural was defaced with words 's***' and 'no fat chicks'
Lauren Shelley, 26, said she wanted to take stand against s*** shaming
She said reality star's nude selfie started an 'important conversation'
See pics after cut ....Three friends have taken a stand against slut shaming by posing nude in front of a giant mural of Kim Kardashian's infamous naked selfie.
Lauren Elizabeth Shelley, 26, rallied
two other women to bare all in the name of 'body positivity' after the
painting was defaced with the words 's***' and 'no fat chicks'.
They were all photographed nude in
front of the nine-metre tall Melbourne mural with nothing but black
bars to protect their modesty in homage to the reality star's original
Instagram post.
Ms Shelley, who lives in Albert Park,
told Daily Mail Australia she wanted to send a message that body and
s*** shaming is 'not ok'.
Elizabeth Shelley, 26, (pictured) rallied two other women to bare all
in the name of 'body positivity' after the painting was defaced with
the words 's***' and 'no fat chicks'
'For me, it's all about loving yourself and not valuing your worth just by what your body looks like,' she said.
'We wanted to send a message that we
cannot be shamed. It was no real surprise when it was defaced, but I
wanted to make it clear that this should not happen.'
She posted the photo on Instagram
saying: 'We can't be shamed! Rallied these queens to say NO to s**t
shaming #noshame #thickerrthang #slutshaming #kimkardashian #selfie
'@kimkardashian we wear our sexualities loud and proud.'
The 26-year-old, who works in travel, said she thought Kim's selfie started an 'important conversation'.
Shelley initially posed in front of the mural on the night it was
plastered on the side of a print shop in Gwynne Street, Cremorne, by
anonymous artist Lushsux
The mural was defaced with the word 's**t' less than 48 hours after it was painted by anonymous artist Lushsux
hooded person was caught on a new CCTV camera vandalising Kim
Kardashian's mural by spray painting a crude comment aimed at fat
The 26-year-old, who works in travel, said she thought Kim's selfie started an 'important conversation'
'I think the picture has started a
great conversation. It's just a body, but it prompted discussion about
slut shaming and body positivity.
'I was supportive of it because she is very proud of herself.
'She has contributed to the body positive and feminist movement. She is still a role model.'
Ms Shelley initially posed in front of
the mural on the night it was plastered on the side of a print shop in
Gwynne Street, Cremorne, by anonymous artist Lushsux.
She posted a picture on Instagram. It
was reposted by Lushsux with the caption 'Is this the real life' -
attracting more than 4,700 likes.
But after a hooded person was caught on
a newly installed CCTV tagging the mural with the words 'no fat
chicks', Ms Shelley was approached by a number of women online.
'They suggested that we should get a
group of women to stand in front of the mural and send a clear message.
So that is what we did.'
She said she has 'laughed off' comments from trolls, despite the fact that one person told her she should 'kill herself'.
The vandal tagged the mural which was painted last week with 'no fat chicks'
Lushsux, who painted the mural, posted a video on Instagram of the vandal graffiting the mural.
'No fat chicks? Newly installed cctv captures kimkardashian copping it sweet again, haha,' wrote Lushsux.
Black and white paint was also thrown
at the mural and the word 's**t' was scrawled in black paint just above
the bottom of two black bars strategically placed on the
mother-of-two's naked body.
The artist said that he is disappointed that his mural was defaced but that it was inevitable.
'[I'm] pretty bummed, but it was a given considering the subject matter,' Lushsux told Pedestrian.tv.
Alex Mitchell, from Backwards Gallery
in Collingwood, has represented the artist, who prefers to maintain his
anonymity, for four years and said Lushsux has done extensive work
around the Melbourne area.
'The Kim Kardashian mural was done on Saturday and the Donald Trump one was last weekend,' he told Daily Mail Australia.
He is a prolific street artist and does
non-stop work on topical subjects like Kim's photo - once it got a few
million likes he thought it would be pretty appropriate.'
The mural is a reproduction of a selfie
Kim uploaded last week which attracted 1.6 million likes and hundreds
of thousands of comments.
large mural of Kim Kardashian 's naked body that was plastered on the
wall of an inner- Melbourne suburb on Monday was defaced just a couple
of hours later (pictured)
'The Kim Kardashian mural was done on Saturday and the Donald Trump one was last weekend,' Lushsux manager said
The photo appears to be from 2015, with
Mrs Kardashian-West's hair peroxide blonde hair giving a strong
indication the photo is a throwback from her stint at Paris Fashion
Following the controversy that
surrounded the censored image, Mrs Kardashian-West penned an essay
hitting back at critics like Bette Midler, Chloe Moretz and Piers
Morgan who 'body shamed' the self proclaimed 'selfie queen' for
exposing herself online.
She called for an end to 's**t-shaming' and said people need to get over her old sex tape.
Mrs Kardashian-West said she wouldn't
apologise for being 'empowered' by her sexuality on International
Women's day - one day after her nude selfie sparked a social media
'It always seems to come back around to
my sex tape,' wrote Kim of the critics. 'Yes, a sex tape that was made
13 years ago. 13 YEARS AGO. Literally that lonnng ago. And people
still want to talk about it?!?!'
Alex Mitchell, from Backwards Gallery
in Collingwood, has represented the artist, who prefers to maintain his
anonymity, for four years and said Lushsux has done extensive work
around the Melbourne area
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