Thursday, April 7, 2016

Ted Cruz is called a 'right-wing bigot' and high school cancels appearance after students threaten walkout as his campaign bombs in the Bronx is boiling to the surface (Republicans are you listening?) Welcome to the North East

 Ted Cruz unwelcome in the Bronx on Wednesday as hip-hop activist heckles him in a restaurant
    High schoolers get his speech canceled by threatening a mass walkout


 Ted Cruz found himself faced with an aggressive protester when he stopped at a Bronx restaurant Wednesday in New York City to deliver his latest broadside against Donald Trump.

As Cruz toured the lunch spot, a man identified as one half of a Latin hip-hop duo called Rebel Diaz yelled that the Texas senator is a 'bigot' and said he wasn't welcome because of his positions on illegal immigration.
'Ted Cruz has no business being in the Bronx!' the heckler shouted from the front of the Sabrosura2 restaurant where Cruz was making a campaign stop.
'This is an immigrant community. We deal with climate change every single day, and he wants to say that it doesn't exist.'
 Photo: Polaris
Visit: Ted Cruz was meeting Bronx community leaders in the Sabrorusa2 restaurant in the New York borough when he was interrupted. The leaders included (in the hat) the Rev Ruben Diaz, a New York state senator from the Bronx who is a conservative Democrat opposed to abortion and same-sex marriage

 Photo: Polaris
Protest: Both members of the Latin hip-hop duo called Rebel Diaz - Chilean brothers Rodrigo (left) and Gonzalo (right)  Venegas - were involved in the protest. It is unclear which one actually heckled

Activist: Gonzalo Venegas spoke afterwards about his disgust at Ted Cruz
Activist: Gonzalo Venegas spoke afterwards about his disgust at Ted Cruz

Statement of intent: The hip-hop duo tweeted that they had taken action against Cruz and one of the members embarked on a far longer rant as he heckled the Republican candidate

'We live in one of the poorest congressional districts in the country,' the man went on. 'And to receive this right-wing bigot is an insult to the whole community.'
'You're running on an anti-immigrant platform, and you're speaking in the Bronx,' he said. 'You should not be here!'
Both members of the band - Chilean-American brothers Rodrigo and Gonzalo Venegas - were present but it was unclear which one was shouting
Cruz complained during a brief press gaggle about an aggressive statement Trump issued Tuesday night he was on the losing end of a brutal primary election pounding in Wisconsin

Trump, he said, can't win the Republican nomination but 'likes to yell and scream and insult and curse.'
But Cruz may have felt like screaming a little himself as his day went from bad to worse.
Students at Bronx Lighthouse College Preparatory Academy told their teachers that if Cruz was permitted to follow through on a planned speech there, they would stage a mass walkout.
They told their principal 'if he came here, we would schedule a walkout,' 16-year-old Destiny Domeneck told the New York Daily News.
'Most of us are immigrants or come from immigrant backgrounds. Ted Cruz goes against everything our school stands for.'
New York's primary election is on April 19, the next big contest along the road to the presidential nomination.
Cruz is in third place among the three Republicans, according to a Monmouth University poll released Wednesday morning.
In the Bronx: Heidi Cruz accompanied her husband on a trip which saw his plan to visit a high school canceled by a threat of a mass walk-out by students
Cruz watched as police led his heckler out, and then remarked that 'we need positive solutions, not the kind of anger that that man has.'

A second protester who made it to the door of the eatery taunted Cruz: 'You got to be born in America to be president! Don't waste your time!'
That man was also identified as a member of Rebel Diaz.
The group's Twitter feed boasted afterward: 'Just rolled up on @tedcruz in #TheBronx he had a secret meeting w/ @revrubendiaz and we had to #ShutThatS**tDown real quick. #PeoplePower'
Rev. Ruban Diaz is a conservative Hispanic preacher in the Bronx and a Democratic member of the New York State Senate.
More than half of the roughly 1.5 million people who live in the Bronx are Hispanic, U.S. Census data show.

Courtesy mail

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