'Still don't understand this sport. To each his own'
Photo: Reuters
Mess with the bull and you could be ‘Bum rushed’
Julian Lopez, 33, was gored in buttocks during a fight in Seville, Spain
Bull pierced the matador with its right horn, forcing him to the ground
Lopez, known as El Juli, was taken to hospital to treat the woundFollow @JosDaily1

‘Bull gets revenge on matador in a VERY painful-looking way’
Julian Lopez, 33, received the painful injury during a fight in Seville, Spain, on Friday night.The bull pierced the matador, known as El Juli, with its right horn, forcing him to the ground in La Maestranza bullring. Spanish bullfighter Julian Lopez, 33, was gored in buttocks during a fight in Seville, Spain, on Friday night The bull pierced the matador, known as El Juli, with its right horn in the La Maestranza bullring

The bull pierced the matador, known as El Juli, with its right horn in the La Maestranza bullring
According to Spanish media reports, Lopez was taken to hospital with a wound measuring 6 inches (15 centimetres). Photographs show how he was lifted into the air as the bull launched the attack in front of shocked spectators.
Blood can be seen on his clothing as he was examined at the side of the ring by medical staff. Lopez is a well-known figure in the bullfighting world and became the youngest professional fighter in the history of the sport aged just 15.
He is not the first matador to receive an injury to his backside in recent weeks.
Andres Roca Rey, 19, was impaled in the buttocks as he took on a bull in the same bullring, but he walked away with just minor injuries.
Photographs show how he was lifted into the air as the bull launched the attack in front of shocked spectators

Lopez, who is a well-known figure in the bullfighting world, was forced to the ground after receiving the injury

He was examined by staff at the side of the bullring, before being taken to hospital to treat the wound
Courtesy: Mail
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