Tuesday, March 1, 2016

Meet the world's youngest billionaire, Alexandra Andresen, 19

The teenage horse rider who has become the world's youngest billionaire: Norwegian dressage competitor makes Forbes list of world's richest people aged just 19

Photo: Instagram/Alexandra Andresen
Alexandra Andresen
Alexandra Andresen, 19, has been named the world's youngest billionaire
...inherited her $1.2bn fortune from her wealthy father Johan F. Andresen
... family made their money in the tobacco business before selling up and property and hedge funds
... lives in Germany where she is a professional dressage competitor

Professional teenage horse rider Alexandra Andresen, pictured, who has been named the world youngest billionaire by Forbes magazine
http://i.dailymail.co.uk/i/pix/2016/03/01/15/31BBEDC400000578-3471308-Miss_Andresen_a_professional_horse_rider_accumulated_her_persona-a-4_1456846838740.jpg  http://i.dailymail.co.uk/i/pix/2016/03/01/16/31BC6D5600000578-3471308-image-m-153_1456851195462.jpg
Photo: Instagram/Alexandra Andresen
Miss Andresen, a professional horse rider, accumulated her personal fortune after her father Johan F. Andresen transferred his stake in Norway's biggest company, Ferd Holdings, to his daughters in 2007
Photo: Alexandra Andresen
Miss Andresen poses in traditional Norwegian dress. Her family had made a fortune in the tobacco industry and her great, great, great grandfather founded Norway's biggest cigarette producer

Miss Andresen accumulated her personal fortune after her father Johan F. Andresen transferred his stake in Norway's biggest company, Ferd Holdings, to his daughters in 2007. Her family had made a fortune in the tobacco industry and her great, great, great grandfather founded Norway's biggest cigarette producer. 
The company was sold for $500million in 2005 and the money then invested in property and hedge funds. Two years later her father gave 80 per cent of his shares in the company Ferd Holdings to Miss Andresen and her sister

http://i.dailymail.co.uk/i/pix/2016/03/01/16/31BC4CBB00000578-3471308-image-m-133_1456848661146.jpg  http://i.dailymail.co.uk/i/pix/2016/03/01/16/31BC70BF00000578-3471308-image-m-160_1456851310181.jpg 
Miss Andresen (right) and her sister Katharina (let), who has had her father's share in Ferd Holdings transferred to her . There she is living the life

Photo: Katharina Andersen
The other billionaire Katharina Andersen

Courtesy dilymail

1 comment:

  1. Thank you for your comments and the list. I will feature it and and reference you
