Polish Prime Minister Beata Szydlo (pictured) today said she was 'not OK' with allowing migrants to settle in her country following the attacks in Brussels
Polish Prime Minister Beata Szydlo (pictured) today said she was 'not OK' with allowing migrants to settle in her country following the attacks in Brussels
    Poland had planned to take in 7,000 migrants, according to the agreement
    But the country's Prime Minister says she is now abandoning the pledge
    Beata Szydlo said: 'I don’t see a possibility for migrants to come to Poland'

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Government spokesman Rafal Bochenek indicated Wednesday that Prime Minister Beata Szydlo's government is reversing that position.He said that "at the moment Poland is not able to accept immigrants."
He said the government fears that Europe is not able to eliminate security risks connected to the mass influx of migrants, adding: "for us the most important thing is the safety of Poles."

Poland today abandoned its promise to the EU to take in 7,000 migrants because of the jihadist attacks in Brussels that killed 34 people.
The country's previous government had agreed to take the migrants in, but today Prime Minister Beata Szydlo declared she would not be honoring the agreement.
Speaking at the Belgian Embassy in Warsaw where she laid flowers to honor the victims, she appealed for urgent talks to allow Europe to counter the 'plague' of radicalisation.

She has now abandoned a pledge to take in 7,000 migrants because of the deadly suicide bombings (pictured)
She has now abandoned a pledge to take in 7,000 migrants because of the deadly suicide bombings (pictured)

Many of the attackers responsible for both Paris and Brussels (pictured) are believed to have travelled between the two cities, while some travelled as far as Hungary to pick up men who arrived as migrants
Many of the attackers responsible for both Paris and Brussels (pictured) are believed to have travelled between the two cities, while some travelled as far as Hungary to pick up men who arrived as migrants