Wednesday, March 2, 2016

Out!! Ben Carson admits he has no 'path' to Republican White House nomination and drops out

Ben Carson Finally admits he has no 'path' to Republican White House nomination and drops out of next debate 

"... good thing you are now past the denial stage.  This was due over a month ago"
"...let's go visit some pyramids and eat us some oysters"
Photo: AP
Ben Carson, pictured in his adopted hometown of Baltimore says' He will not take part in tomorrow night's Republican debate

Retired neurosurgeon told supporters there is 'no path' to Republican nomination.  Won't take part in tomorrow's debate and will give speech on Friday. But isn't formally quitting race, Washington Post reports
Photo: Getty Images
Ben Carson, with this wife Candy, could not translate his inspirational rise from working-class black Detroit to being a renowned neurosurgeon into votes, but remains popular, making his endorsement valuable
Ben Carson admitted he has no chance of becoming the Republican presidential nominee – but will not actually quit the race.
The retired neurosurgeon released a statement this afternoon saying that he planned to skip tomorrow night's GOP debate in Detroit as there is no 'path forward' for him in light of last night's Super Tuesday results.
 Photo: Bloomberg via Getty Images

Retired neurosurgeon Ben Carson is planning to use his appearance at CPAC this year to explain where his 'movement' goes from here
He said he'll use his speech Friday at the Conservative Political Action Conference to 'discuss more about the future of this movement.'  

Courtesy: Mail

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