Thursday, March 24, 2016

Incredible: Four sets of identical twins pull off elaborate time traveling prank on NYC subway

An elaborate time travel prank by Improv Everywhere on a New York City subway car with four sets of identical twins.
Improv Everywhere/via Youtube

Seeing double, feeling confused.

“please do not give this man any money! I am from the future and I can tell you that it is bleak.” “Do not build the time machine,” he adds. “Bad things will happen to us, bad things will happen to people on the subway.”

Scroll down to video to watch this hilarious prank ....
 New Yorkers see some crazy things on the subway, so it’s no surprise that aman asking for money to build a time machine didn’t phase many of the riders. But when panhandler Dave’s identical twin appeared saying he was from the future, passengers on the N train did a double take.
Not only did his twin — claiming to be his future self — try to discourage him from collecting the money for time travel, but three other sets of twins started to show up in the subway car and instructed their past selves not to donate. 

Dave’s future self cried out, “please do not give this man any money! I am from the future and I can tell you that it is bleak.” “Do not build the time machine,” he adds. “Bad things will happen to us, bad things will happen to people on the subway.” The rest of the passengers seem to be playing along and act like innocent bystanders until lookalikes start to flood the car. Other straphangers find the bit amusing and pull out their phones to take videos. “You guys like a twin act or something?” one rider asks.
Quickly after his future self arrives shouting “do not give this man money!” The group starts chanting “no machine.”

Everyone on the subway car burst into applause.
“The future twins then stood around awkwardly trying to figure out what was going to happen to them,” Improv Everywhere noted.
“Wait, shouldn’t we disappear if he’s not going to build it?” one of the twins asked.
Two onlookers said they just thought the man asking for money was crazy until the twins started arriving.
“I didn’t notice they were all twins then this guy is like ‘wait they’re all twins’ and I’m like ‘oh another passenger on his way to brunch like we are... and then his twin shows up! I’m freaking out. I cannot.”
An innocent onlooker offered Dave $5, but got off at the next stop and never saw the situation transpire.

The video was created by the comedy troupe “Improv Everywhere.”
And it isn’t the group’s first twin prank.
In 2008, they put 15 pairs of identical twins on a subway car, all dressed identically. More recently, they used two pairs of twins for a “Back to the Future”-themed prank in 2013.

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Credit: Nydailynews

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