Hot topic: Ben Carson (above) appeared on The View Thursday to talk about his decision to endorse Donald Trump
Hot topic: Ben Carson (above) appeared on The View Thursday to talk about his decision to endorse Donald Trump
    Ben Carson appeared on The View Thursday defends his decision to endorse Donald Trump
Whoopi Goldberg - 'how can you align yourself with a man who has bashed women and made countless racist remarks?'
Carson - 'Trump was the first person to allow blacks and Jews into his country clubs in Palm Beach'

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    Sunny Hostin - 'Trump was sued by the Justice Department in the 70s for not allowing black tenants in his buildings'
'The notion that he is a fan of the African-American community is maybe off base'       

Carson - 'Trump's African-American employees like him'
Goldberg  - 'I'm sorry, he's a racist and he's not good for the country'
Carson - 'politicians like Trump electrify people with their speech' 

Goldberg - ' That’s how Hitler got in, sir'

    Trump meanwhile tweeted out his displeasure with the segment and disregard for the women on the show within minutes  

Disbelief: Whoopi Goldberg asked how he could align himself with a man who has bashed women and made countless racist remarks
Disbelief: Whoopi Goldberg asked how he could align himself with a man who has bashed women and made countless racist remarks
Ben Carson was attacked repeatedly by the women of The View on Thursday, who questioned how he could support Donald Trump for president given his many racial and sexist statements.

'You have aligned yourself with the man who has bashed women, made countless racist remarks - you're Ben Carson, why would you align yourself with that?' asked Whoopi Goldberg at the top of the interview.

 'Well, you know, you have to look at the good and the bad. There is no perfect person,' said Carson.

'But you look at when Donald Trump first went down to the Palm Beach area, a lot of the [golf] clubs down there would not accept Jews and blacks. 

'He insisted on Jews and blacks and helped to break that open.

'So, has he said some things that I wouldn’t say or that you wouldn’t say? Of course.' 

At one point during his answer the camera cut to a visibly stunned Goldberg. 

Trump meanwhile tweeted out his displeasure with the segment and disregard for the women on the show within minutes.

Panelist Sunny Hostin, a lawyer, then jumped in, saying about Trump: 'He was also sued by the Justice Department in the 70s for not allowing black tenants into his properties and he settled with the Justice Department