Thursday, February 18, 2016

Pope Francis Condemns Donald Trump's plan to build a wall between the US and Mexico ...: "This is not in the Gospel.'"

Pope Condemned Trump's plan to build a wall between the United States and Mexico saying: 'This is not in the Gospel.'  Pope Francis went on to say, he did not want to advise American Catholics on whether or not to vote for Trump ... Trump in turn calls Pope Catholic Pontiff 'disgraceful' and a 'pawn' of the Mexican government

.... seriously Herr Trump?  Is your paint brush big enough?

Pope Francis says Donald Trump is 'not Christian' for wanting wall with Mexico
Photo: AFP/Getty
 Pope held a mass right on the border at Ciudad Juarez, and the celebration  was simulcast to stadium on American side of Rio Grande
The Pope's statements was made  during a freewheeling conversation with reporters on his flight back from a visit to Mexico at which he was asked about Donald Trump.

At the border: The Pope celebrated mass in Ciudad Juarez during his visit to Mexico, right at the American border.
For much of his five-day trip in Mexico, Pope Francis played the role of friendly pastor, smiling for selfies, kissing babies and encouraging the youth not to fall prey to the drug trade.
On Wednesday, Francis showed another aspect of his complex public persona: The disappointed prophet who excoriates world powers for mistreating the poor and marginalized.

The Vatican spokesman Rev
Federico Lombardi when asked about Trump's accusations responded  "The Pope, with his moral and spiritual ministry, may have a political impact. That is clear to the whole world by now, "  and that he was not pawn of the Mexican government.

Courtesy: dailymailCNN

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